The Power of Words

The images below can be found as a thematic progression throughout the pages of The Will to Do Nothing. They speak to the impact of words and language upon one’s felt experience of the present moment, or simply of life.

First, Mountains become “mountains” through the learning of language. When I use a label to describe something, it has a tricky way of becoming the label. And, on a personal, “I” become the labels I use to describe myself, and others become the labels I use to describe them. The world becomes words. 3-dimensional living becomes 2-dimensional. But this flattening of life can be reversed.

My writing of The Will to Do Nothing is an attempt to facilitate the reversal process. Through a sort of “doing nothing,” it is possible to again see and experience life for what it is — Just This. It is Just This indescribable, uncontrollable, unfathomable Now experience. When I remember that things are not really what I call them, I can be awakened by all things. In the words of Jean Klein, “All things point to the ultimate.”


What is

If not a word,
what is This?

What is actually
Right Now?

Simply feel it.

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