Hey there.
It’s cool to think I’m connecting with you right now despite writing this at a different time than when you’re reading it. My name is Charles Freligh. I’m not sure how much that means, but it’s the title I’ve gone by since I was born. I use the term “iMe” above to refer to the story of “Charles” that I’ve been told and have told myself over the years, and that may not be the whole reality. Beyond the name, I’m continually becoming more in touch with who/what I really am at my core, that process that can’t really be named. And as I do that, life becomes more fun, energized, and meaningful all the time. Part of this meaning is connecting and sharing in the process with other people (e.g., you), and I do that through my work in individual guidance, teaching college courses, writing, and creating digital content, all with this underlying effort in mind: to reduce unnecessary suffering and improve quality and enjoyment of living both for myself and others.
I don’t espouse any particular tradition, but I do utilize anything and everything that makes visceral sense to me with the belief that all of the various traditions are like different languages describing the same basic thing (the basic thing that can’t really be put into words… something like the meaning of true abiding happiness and contentment in life). I hope that something I offer here might speak to and be helpful to you, and I’ll be continually developing and offering more, so check back to get more of my thoughts and other updates if you’d like.
My basic philosophy:
We enter the world with eyes wide open
We’re given a pair of glasses not of our choosing
The glasses cloud the basic reality we’re born into
We become attached to and identified with our glasses
The glasses become more and more cloudy to the point where we can barely see
We could continue to live this way (likely with the underlying awareness that something is wrong)
We can become aware of the glasses we are wearing
No need to blame anyone for these glasses. Those who gave us our glasses were given their own glasses ad infinitum
We can continually clean off this pair of glasses in order to see more and more clearly
Through this clear seeing, we face difficult truths, but life also becomes simpler and ultimately much more enjoyable
We begin to truly live
We may even sometimes take the glasses off and experience how amazing it is just to be alive
My twofold effort:
1) Continually clean off my own glasses
2) Help others do the same if they’d like
Here’s what I’m offering:
.INDIVIDUAL GUIDANCE: 1-on-1 virtual meetings
.BLOG: Weekly messages on well-being
.PODCAST: What is Now? with Saqib & Charles
.READING LIST: A collection of my favorite reads
.LEARN about my underlying philosophy
.CONNECT with Charles
Books | Workshops
“To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Most people exist,
that is all.”