Sleep Better with Story


I made a sleep story course with my main collaborator, Saqib Rizvi, and I’m excited to share it with you. We took turns writing and recording a story (alternating between me and Saqib in each session of the course) in which the main character travels through several levels of the Dreamworld in search of “Truth” alongside an unsuspecting amphibian companion. Each session begins with some guided relaxation of body and mind followed by the story, and finishes with fifteen or so minutes of just calm music with no words.

The rationale for sleep stories, as I see it, is to give your mind a story to engage with that is not your story. All of the storylines of your life might have a tendency to pop up at night and activate the body, making it difficult to sleep. So, if you find sleep challenging sometimes, or if you’d just like to listen to a relaxing (and hopefully enjoyable and even enlightening) story, you can use the following link to try out our course:

Sleep Stories to Calm
Your Restless Wandering Mind

*And just FYI, in order to access the course, you either need to have the premium version of Insight Timer, or you can purchase the course as a standalone for $19.99. There is also a 7-day free trial of the premium version of the app if you’d like to test-drive it first.

On a final note,
if you’d like to support my book:
You can find it here.
If you already have it
and would like to support its growth,
you could write a review here,
follow the book’s life on Instagram here,
or simply share it with others in your life.
Thank you!