Tiny Enlightenment


The above quote can be found by turning to page 14 of The Will to Do Nothing.

Again, it goes as follows:
Each seemingly microscopic action
offers a fleeting chance to express
the full meaning of being alive.”

One’s day is full of possible moments of enlightenment, but they often appear too tiny, too inconsequential, to notice. Opening the lid of a jar. Typing on a keyboard. Taking a sip of water. Opening a door. Reading the words you’re reading right now. These are all opportunities to Wake. Up.

In the words of Jean Klein, “All objects point to the ultimate.”

Whatever you’re doing, it is an expression of the Ultimate. It is your whole life happening at once. It is real on a level beneath and beyond the words used to describe it, whatever it is. It is this one thing and it is everything. It is all Just This.

What might enlighten you today?

Whatever it is you’re actually doing in the moment,
it is the most important action of your life.

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