Meditative Reading

Below you’ll find the opening words of my new book, The Will to Do Nothing. The words invite the reader to approach the book in the way I personally most enjoy the act of reading, as a meditative non-instrumental experience. By “non-instrumental” I mean reading not in order to get something out of it, but for the sake of the act itself. My hope is that the reader, maybe you, will get something practically useful out of reading, but that this will be secondary to your present moment experience of simply reading. The words are intended to provide a sort of gravitational pull into the Here-and-Now. They were written from the Here-and-Now. I was writing them Now and when you read them, it will also still be Now. And so, you could think of the reading as like music. It’s about the experience. And maybe all of life is this way. How focused are you on what this, whatever this may be, will bring you at some future point? And how focused are you on the reality of this happening just Right Now. This is all there is.


Just This.

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