Charles Freligh | Second Arrow Well-Being

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Your Creativity

Some time ago, I stumbled upon this video of actor Ethan Hawke talking about the concept of “creativity,” by way of a perfectly targeted suggestion from the algorithmic Youtube mind. The video was shared with me again today and I was equally struck by the message as the first time, which is why I’m now sharing it with you. In the short talk, he emphasizes the vital nature of expressing your personal unique creativity, that doing so is not merely a luxury to be toyed with when you have some extra time, but an essential element of living and of healing, not unlike the necessity of breathing.

And, he says, in order to express our creativity, whatever that might look like, we need to be willing to “play the fool,” to vulnerably expose ourselves to criticism, and potentially ridicule, from others who don’t understand this vitality of pure creation. Or maybe they do understand and feel a pit of subconscious jealousy emanating from their own long lost creative spark. I hope you enjoy this little talk and Ethan’s energy that I find infectious, and I hope you have channels in your life for creative expression. You might just notice and clarify what they are.

Expressing your


is not a luxury…

It is

***On a final note, I’ve added an option at the end of these blog posts for you to make a small contribution if you’d like. Please only do so if you feel moved to, and know that your donation goes directly toward helping me continue to provide affordable individual guidance as well as create new content, such as this blog, in the name of increased well-being and reduced psychological suffering. One particular project I’m currently working on is a book that encapsulates my psychological, philosophical, and spiritual perspective on getting to know oneself deeply and getting out of one’s own way. If you’re so inclined, your contribution would support these efforts and would be greatly appreciated (click the button below to donate). Thank you for being here!

See this donate button in the original post