Look For What Looks
“When you look
with the ‘I,’
you dream.
When you look
for the ‘I,’
you awaken.”
Not much to add here. When I open my eyes in the morning and step out of bed, I may easily step right into another dreamworld, a world of automatic thinking and behaving based on habitual pattern. In the quote above, Mooji describes the possibility of awakening out of this secondary dreamworld by sending attention back upon the “I” who is seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting, smelling, thinking. At any moment, notice how you are looking with the “I” (looking from the perspective of me, my story, my likes, my dislikes, etc.) and then, for a moment, look instead for the “I” who looks. What/who do you find?
What do you see
when you look for
***On a final note, I’ve added an option at the end of these blog posts for you to make a small contribution if you’d like. Please only do so if you feel moved to, and know that your donation goes directly toward helping me continue to provide affordable individual guidance as well as create new content, such as this blog, in the name of increased well-being and reduced psychological suffering. One particular project I’m currently working on is a book that encapsulates my psychological, philosophical, and spiritual perspective on getting to know oneself deeply and getting out of one’s own way. If you’re so inclined, your contribution would support these efforts and would be greatly appreciated (click the button below to donate). Thank you for being here!