How to Speak Authentically

To speak is a creative act.

To speak authentically
is a vulnerable
creative act.

Authentic speech arises
from the present moment
and is not quite in my control.

It might feel like it’s in my control,
but I don’t actually know
how I produce these sounds,
nor how these sounds flow out
from an unspoken feeling inside.

Authentic speech happens through me,
if I let it.

When you go to speak,
can you trust that
the right words will happen
out of your control?

This is like the act
of drawing a smooth line.

I can’t force the line to be smooth.
But if I let my hand sweep
across the page,
the result is a natural smoothness.


Let your speech be
an authentic act
of creativity.

Let your speech
be a pure, brand new expression
of the present moment.

Let your speech
be like the drawing
of a smooth line.

everything you do
can be viewed in this way.

Life is a series
of creative acts.
What will you create next?

Oh, and if you’d like an opportunity for authentic speech in a safe environment, feel free to join me and Saqib Rizvi every Tuesday at 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET for an hour of organic group connection.
Recurring Zoom link here


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