hey friend

The other day, I was tinkering on the guitar while sitting in my unborn son’s nursery, looking out at a snowing sky through the window. A trick for coming up with musical lyrics or poetry is to hum along with instrumental sound and then notice what word shapes seem to come through the humming. You can then find a word as a beginning point of inspiration and see where it takes you to complete the creation (I’m guessing this is likely some sort of popular technique that has been given a name).

This process occurred while sitting and strumming, the first words being “hey friend” followed by nonsense syllabic vocal noises. It at first seemed that this opening line, and the response that eventually followed it, reflected an interaction between two people. Gradually, however, it felt more like a conversation within oneself. One self searching for something, the Other knowing there is nothing to search for. And somehow the two are not in conflict despite their conflicting perspectives.

Here’s what came through the creative channel:


Hey friend whatchu looking for,
Is it something from your past?

Don’t know what I’m looking for,
But I’m glad you asked.

Sky as white as an open eye
Still has the sun behind.

Could see it if I really look,
But I’d rather be blind.



Thanks for


this moment

with me.

***On a final note, I’ve added an option at the end of these blog posts for you to make a small contribution if you’d like. Please only do so if you feel moved to, and know that your donation goes directly toward helping me continue to provide affordable individual guidance as well as create new content, such as this blog, in the name of increased well-being and reduced psychological suffering. One particular project I’m currently working on is a book that encapsulates my psychological, philosophical, and spiritual perspective on getting to know oneself deeply and getting out of one’s own way. If you’re so inclined, your contribution would support these efforts and would be greatly appreciated (click the button below to donate). Thank you for being here!

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