Healing the Nervous System (Workshop)

Hello there. I hope this moment finds you feeling at peace (at least for the moment). I just wanted to let you know that I will be running an online 7-session workshop series with my good friend Saqib Rizvi beginning this coming weekend (9/3). The series is titled Healing the Nervous System, and will take place over the course of three months (each Saturday session will be two hours in length and conducted via Zoom). In addition to the small group sessions, Saqib and I will meet separately with each participant for two individual sessions, in order to help customize and apply the lessons of the course. As stated in the course title, our aim is to help participants learn how their nervous system (specifically, the stress response) may have become inflamed and chronically overactive, and practice methods of slowing things back down (re-initiating the relaxation response) in order to return to a more natural, homeostatic flow of living, in which healing of body and mind naturally occurs. If you’d like to learn more about the workshop series and possibly join us, feel free to click the following link: Learn more here. Thanks for listening and I hope you’re doing well!