Charles Freligh | Second Arrow Well-Being

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Motion Detector Awareness

This past week, while exploring some questions of life with another like-minded individual, we stumbled upon a visual metaphor for the practice of meditation and the shifting sense of awareness that occurs within this practice. We were discussing the popular metaphor of the conscious mind being like a theater and our attention being like the light that fills the stage or the movie screen. Within meditation, we notice what’s on the stage and we notice ourselves sitting in the audience watching. As we discussed this concept, the question arose, “What happens to the stage light when you’re meditating?”

Here’s a visual metaphor in response to that question: you could view the act of meditation as like a dimming of the light. At first, the light of attention is bright and likely is shining on something familiar, a task to complete, plans for later, a replaying of events from earlier in the day, an itch on your forehead. These familiar players likely fill the stage, and we may feel as though we’re on the stage with them. Then, we notice this, return to our basic selves sitting in the audience, and the light dims.

What happens next could be thought of as like a motion detector light. We sit, maybe focusing on the sensation of the breath, repeating a mantra, or attending to some other present-centered happening, and then something unintended pops onto the stage and the motion detector light turns on and moves our focus to it (again likely some plan, worry, memory, pain, desire, etc., stepping onto the stage and triggering the motion detector). This process happens repeatedly, a cycle of intentionally dimming the light followed by some unintended thought triggering it to turn back on, again and again.

And maybe, the deeper you go, the less sensitive the motion detector becomes, or maybe it becomes sensitive to different types of phenomena, dropping through layers of everyday thinking into deeper and deeper basic existential, un-self-consicous layers. And I wonder, if you go deep enough and stay long enough, a natural light begins to rise and begins seeping into the theater of consciousness, filling up the stage and drowning out the need for the motion detector.
What is this natural light?

What is the

light of awareness


when you sit

in silence?

***On a final note, I’ve added an option at the end of these blog posts for you to make a small contribution if you’d like. Please only do so if you feel moved to, and know that your donation goes directly toward helping me continue to provide affordable individual guidance as well as create new content, such as this blog, in the name of increased well-being and reduced psychological suffering. One particular project I’m currently working on is a book that encapsulates my psychological, philosophical, and spiritual perspective on getting to know oneself deeply and getting out of one’s own way. If you’re so inclined, your contribution would support these efforts and would be greatly appreciated (click the button below to donate). Thank you for being here!

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