Charles Freligh | Second Arrow Well-Being

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Zeroing the Scale

There’s a term I really like for describing the act of meditation and generally the act of becoming aware of This moment; the term is “zeroing,” and I use it in two different ways:

The 1st) If you’ve ever used a digital scale to weigh something, for cooking or whatever the case may be, you’ll be familiar with this first notion of zeroing. To use a digital scale, you first place a container on the scale to hold whatever it is you’re weighing. Then, in order to get the accurate weight of the ingredient you’re measuring, you need to account for the weight of the container on the scale first - otherwise, the number you’ll get would include both the ingredient and the container. So, you place the container on the scale and then you press ZERO (or sometimes this might be called “tare,” but let’s just call it zero). You press zero and then the scale accounts for the weight of the container, returns to zero as if nothing was already on the scale, and is ready to weigh the ingredient just as it is, accurately.

For example, I love a fresh cup of coffee in the morning, and I like to be precise with my measurement of the bean-to-water ratio (I like it right at 1:15 to be exact, for my French press). So, I place a little bowl on the scale, then press zero, and then pour in the beans - same process for the water. And this way I get a perfectly accurate measurement, and a very tasty cup of coffee.

This process, to me, is a lot like the act of meditation, and generally the act of becoming self-aware. It is the act of zeroing the scale. It is the act of noticing all of the weight that already exists, turning inward and looking at it, accounting for it. We’re pressing zero, again and again, so we can turn back outward and be receptive to what’s happening Right Now, open to all the world has to offer us in This Moment not clouded (or less clouded) by existing assumptions and biases (the weight of the container).

This reminds me of Fritz Perls’ definition of psychological health:
The ability to see what is new as new.

*An important note here: There is no need to judge yourself for having lots of weight on the scale - I believe this is inevitable in the development of a human being. But, the cool thing is that you have the capacity to see it, and zero if you want to. There will likely always be some weight on the scale, but just keep noticing it, no judgment. Just notice the weight of your container and keep pressing zero to accurately measure the true Newness of This Moment - it’s always brand new. To accurately measure this Newness is to see what is new as truly new.

I’ll continue this message next week with the second way I think of “zeroing.” See you then…

How might you zero your scale to measure
what is new as new?

- in relationships
- in your work
- in your environment
- with your food and drink
- within yourself