Charles Freligh | Second Arrow Well-Being

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Then Was Now

In a recent episode of What is Now?, Saqib and I discussed the nature of thinking, and we came to an exploration of the following question: is it possible to ever actually not be present? We commonly say that thoughts about the future and thoughts about the past are indicators of not being “present” or “in the moment.” For example, If I’m daydreaming about a future vacation or worrying about a recent awkward conversation, you might say that I’m not being fully present. To be fully present would be to stop thinking about something that isn’t in my current environment and instead focus on what is in front of me right now (e.g., this computer screen and the physical act of typing).

But in our conversation, Saqib and I wondered if thoughts about the future and past are maybe just as present as anything else in reality. These thoughts are also occurring only in the present moment. My thoughts about sitting on the beach are happening now, and in some way I am experiencing “the beach.” My thoughts about the awkward conversation from earlier are happening now, and in some way I am experiencing the interaction and the feelings associated with the interaction in this moment.

So it’s possible that we actually have no option but to be fully present at all times, no matter what. Then was now and then will be now, always.

Here’s a link to the episode if you’re interested in exploring this topic further and joining us for the What is Now? experience: Episode 7) What is a Thought?

What does it mean
to you
to be

How can you
not be

***On a final note, I’ve added an option at the end of these blog posts for you to make a contribution if you’d like. Please only do so if you feel moved to, and know that your donation goes directly toward helping me continue to provide affordable individual guidance as well as create new content, such as this blog, in the name of increased well-being and reduced psychological suffering. One particular project I’m currently working on is a book that encapsulates my psychological, philosophical, and spiritual perspective on getting to know oneself deeply and getting out of one’s own way. If you’re so inclined, your contribution would support these efforts and would be greatly appreciated (click the button below to donate). Thank you for being here!

See this donate button in the original post